6kw solar system price in pakistan

6kw Solar System Price In Pakistan | Overview & Buying Guide

A six-kilowatt solar system is the best for a house with five or six rooms, especially in Pakistan, where high electricity prices and extreme load shedding, which this system can play an important role in addressing. The 6kw solar system price in Pakistan is at its lowest level as the prices of solar panels are falling day by day. You can take full advantage of this opportunity to reduce power bills and contribute to clean energy by consuming free electricity.

6kw Solar System Price in Pakistan

The cost of a solar power system depends on the quality of its components, which can make it more or less expensive. Currently, a 6kw solar system price in Pakistan is Rs 519,420, including battery. The estimated cost details are in the table below.

Items ListPrices (Rs)
L4 Stacshers (3x)42,000
Installation Fee12,000
Phoenix 110AH TX1000 Tubular Battery (1x)38,000
Primax Galaxy 6kw Hybrid PV7000+PRO IP21195,500
Astronergy 580-Watt Bifacial A-Grade Solar Panels (11x)216,920
6mm 4mm DC Cabels, DP Box, ducting Patti, AC, DC Breakers, and other accessories15,000
Total cost of 6kW solar system519,420

Overview of 6kw Solar System

6kw solar system diagram

A 6kW solar system required eleven 550-watt panels, a hybrid inverter with attached batteries, and other accessories. It runs the household load from the electricity generated by the solar panels, charges the battery, and sells the surplus power left over to the grid through a net meter. This system works both on-grid and off-grid, giving you an uninterrupted power supply. When there is no solar energy at night and if the solar panels produce less electricity during the day for some reason, the electricity reserved for the grid is taken back when needed.

Energy Production by 6kW Solar System

The output of a solar system throughout the day depends on the sunlight on top of the panels during peak hours and the efficiency of the panels and inverter. A 6kW system produces at least 24 units and 30 (kWh) per day. As far as monthly production is concerned, it will generate 720 units and 790 (kWh).

Types of 6kW Solar System

There are three types of 6 kW solar systems. Learn about each type in detail to choose the right one.


A hybrid system is considered to be the most reliable system because of its quality and features. The system uses solar power from the hybrid inverter to power the appliances, charge the battery, and sell the excess power to the grid, which is counted through net metering and used on electricity stored in the grid when needed. If solar energy is not available or there is load shedding at night, it meets all the power requirements of the battery. The hybrid system works in all conditions and never turns off until you turn it off.


A six-kilowatt on-grid system is a good option for those who don’t want to spend on batteries and want to reduce their electricity bills by using net metering to transfer power in the grid. This system can be effective for locations with minimal load shedding or power outages. Grid tie system has some drawbacks as it is a grid-dependent system. This system shuts down when grid power cuts or load shedding occurs. In this case, it will not power your home appliances or provide energy to the grid. Therefore, the on-grid 6kw solar system price in Pakistan is Rs.450,500, which is less than other types of systems.


A 6kw off-grid system runs the home load through solar during the day and batteries at night. This system is mostly used in places where electricity is unavailable as this system does not have the option of storing electricity in the grid, but it can run the load with the grid during the night. The off-grid 6kw solar system price in Pakistan is about 480,000 rupees.

6kw System Installation Cost

6kw system panel installation

The installation cost of a six-kilowatt solar system can range from around Rs 50,000 to Rs 90,000. It mainly depends on which solar panel structure you will install on the roof and by the company. If the roof has much space or no shade and there is no boundary wall on the sides of the roof, then four L3 stand structures can be installed at a lower cost.

More panels are required to be installed in a small space, or if they are to be installed higher due to the shadow around the roof, so the iron structure, which is made by welding the gardar or galvanized structure, the cost of installation becomes very high. However, it is capable of withstanding a storm and lasting longer.

Home Appliances That Can Run with 6kW Solar System

A six-kilowatt solar system can run all types of home appliances, as detailed in the table below.

Appliances ListQuantity
Led Tv2
Seling Fan6
Electric Oven1
Electric Heater1
1.5 Ton Inverter Ac1
0.5HP Water Pump1
12-Watt Energy Saving Bulb25

Buying Guide For a 6kw Solar System

These are some factors to consider when buying a 6 kW solar system.

  • Understand the types of inverters and keep in mind what type of system you are going to install before purchasing a 6kw inverter.
  • Inverter durability, efficiency, and safety features, the most important of which is the IP rating, which indicates that the inverter is waterproof, dustproof, and heatproof. Consider this when choosing an inverter.
  • Net metering using a 6kW solar system saves on electricity bills and reduces dependence on the grid. Consider this when buying a system that can sell excess energy to the grid and save units of electricity per day. Remember that you can avail of this facility only in on-grid or hybrid solar inverters.
  • Buy the latest solar panel technology with N-type bifacial solar panel technology generating power from both sides. It performs well in high temperatures and takes up minimal space with compactness and excellent performance.
  • Proper research and planning are important when installing a solar system. If you have installed the system once without study and planning, it will be difficult to reverse the decision, and your investment may be wasted.
  • Get a maintenance and cleaning warranty in addition to the inverter and solar panel warranty, as it is mandatory to clean the solar panel and monitor the system at least once a week, which is important to maintain the output efficiency of the system.


A 6 KW system usually meets the basic power needs of every household in Pakistan by efficiently running ACs, fans, refrigerators, ovens, and more. The price of a 6 KW solar system in Pakistan depends on the type of system you choose, but now it is too low and possible to buy. I hope you are fully aware of this system and get rid of electricity bills.


The Payback Period of A 6kW Solar System?

The money invested in a six-kilowatt solar system will pay back about three years. Depending on how much electricity you use and pay monthly, the more bills you pay, the sooner this investment will pay off.

How Many ACs Can Run By a 6kW Solar System?

A 6KW system can run two 1.5-ton ACs. On the other hand, if you want to power the rest of the appliances in the house, run one 1.5-ton AC with them.

How Many Batteries are Required in a 6 kW Solar System?

Six batteries of 200AH are required to get a backup of up to six kilowatts. Apart from this, you can install one or two batteries according to your budget

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